It was around this date, 8 years ago, that I entered the gates of an amazing institution; amazing for not its structure or infrastructure but for the people it gave me. Transferring from a relatively new college to this better established institution was an easy decision to make but was not sure if it was the right one. But, the memories that live within me make me feel that my decision could never be any better. These blues are random and frequent but have been re-visiting me lately. I know I already posted my ramblings about this before in Moments of my Life, but it keeps getting back to me everytime I see my friends getting together or visiting the college campus.

When I roll the reel backwards and see how I have transformed over these 8 years with some introspection involved, I see:
- I don't skip my last two hours of classes for football anymore.
- I don't have any friends around me who are up for random things at random times
- Nobody stops in front of my house late in the night and honks me to step out
- I'm more materialistic now
- People don't join me for a movie or an outing on weekends anymore instead they ask me not to disturb them on weekends
- My 'girl' friends don't call me in the middle of night to rant off their petty issues
- I don't get to go on those long drives with my buddies anymore
- I don't wait for the week to begin anymore, instead I wait for it to end.
- I don't have to tiptoe to get out during the nights so that my parents don't wake up
- I don't have to use the excuse of Combined Studies to watch EPL
- I do attend some of those Fresher's parties but nothing like the ones we had in Pubs
- My humor is not as witty as before because now, I have a girl friend :P
- My laid back levels have dropped or should I say "I'm mature!"
- I don't need to worry whats in my Senior's pocket anymore :)
- I don't have friends who circulate the porn CDs anymore, I just find it by myself on the internet :P
And a few things that still didn't change are:
- I still have friends who work on MY homeworks
- I still play some sport everyday
- I still have the extra vigor for anything fun
- I still dance like Nobody's watching
- I still sit in the last two rows in a classroom / auditorium
- I still live off the food in restaurants and other joints
- I still don't booze or smoke
- I still earn my Pocket money :D
If I ever get a chance to relive my life, I'd rewind it back to my Engineering days because that is when I started to live my life. All the amazing people in my life were found at this place. If I learnt living life from my friends, acquaintances turned into friends because of the seniors who ragged the balls out of us. If it were not for them, I would have definitely missed the mystic pieces of my life. But as Robert Frost summarized life into 3 golden words, I absolutely relate my life to thee and find solace in them.
Cheers to ya'll and Fare well. :)
I still remember the days in bus # 10 :)...
Liked your post.. :-)
I still remember how i was ragged by you :P
"Combined Studies".. that reminds me incident you told that u had with malli.
select * from mindDB.abtvishnu
1 row found
u r rocking... ..
Lovely post buddy...u have flair dude...
Well summed up...made me relive those amazing moments again...brilliant buddy...
Nostalgic !! Really Liked it :-)
Nice ra Vishnu....skipping the last classes for football.... :)
Haaaaaaaaaa super super vishnu bhai...
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