1. Final Match between CSE and CSIT: 20th January 2006.
The 1st biggest moment that I remember and I cherish forever is the Final Football match between CSE and CSIT when I was in doing my Under graduation. Man, what an awesome feeling it was!
Any Man's Finest Hour is That moment, When he had worked His heart out in a Good Cause and lies Exhausted in The field of Battle;Victorious!

I still remember the day when CSE lost to ECE in the final match when I was in the 1st year of my college and I promised my seniors that I would bring back the pride to the department someday.
Things changed every year and I never got a chance to fulfill my dream. But when I was made the captain of my team, I believed that if not this time, then NEVER and that is what pumped up the adrenaline in my team. I had faith in my boys and they vested their belief in me and the penalties decided it all. I was in shock after we won. That is one moment that I would never forget all throughout my life.
2. Love of my LIFE: 18th September 2007
After a few major setbacks, I never ever wanted to enter into a relationship. I happened to meet this girl in my college (Man, that is why I love BVRIT ... my whole life revolves around it), I never used to leave a chance to tease her. I never thought or atleast had a trace that I would fall in love ( or become a friend for that matter) with the person whom I never liked once.
Things changed every year and I never got a chance to fulfill my dream. But when I was made the captain of my team, I believed that if not this time, then NEVER and that is what pumped up the adrenaline in my team. I had faith in my boys and they vested their belief in me and the penalties decided it all. I was in shock after we won. That is one moment that I would never forget all throughout my life.
2. Love of my LIFE: 18th September 2007
After a few major setbacks, I never ever wanted to enter into a relationship. I happened to meet this girl in my college (Man, that is why I love BVRIT ... my whole life revolves around it), I never used to leave a chance to tease her. I never thought or atleast had a trace that I would fall in love ( or become a friend for that matter) with the person whom I never liked once.

And thanks to ODU too for this, for it could not have happened if I have not been involved in the activities so much that I stopped talking to her and realize about it later when my fingers almost burnt :P
Now I feel that I am complete with her. I still can remember that day when I took 4 hours to just tell her that I have feelings for her! It took 2 full months for me to realize that the person whom I used to talk to for the past 5 years was something much bigger than mere friendship, thats a different story altogether :D.
Now I feel that I am complete with her. I still can remember that day when I took 4 hours to just tell her that I have feelings for her! It took 2 full months for me to realize that the person whom I used to talk to for the past 5 years was something much bigger than mere friendship, thats a different story altogether :D.
3. Journeys in 2L: September 2002 - May 2006
Every day right from the start date of my college till it ended, was a different day. If not in the college, in the bus. I have never seen a jubilant set than these guys. A perfect mix of masti and maturity. Expelling a lecturer out of a college is not an easy task and we did kicked that BATMAN out of the college which was a message sent accross that ... Do not mess with 2Lians...
Not a single day did I sleep in the bus nor never let anyone else sleep peacefully :P. From Movies to politics, WWE to daily serials.. everything under the sky was discussed or rather debated. Ragging, Teasing, Celebrations were very much prevalent everyday. The fact was accepted by our juniors too.

And I love my college the most for the fact that It has blessed me with the best of friends and the love of my life.
4. Norfolk Times: August 2006 - July 2008
I was always under the impression that I would miss the 2Lians very badly but the Monarchs never let me down when it comes to living my life. If ever in my life, I get a chance to study again, it would be people like you whom I'd chose. You guys rock!
Out of Virginia, now I'm nowhere amidst people who don't know the essence of living life. I definitely miss all you guys. You made my life even more colorful.
Concluding this post does not mean that I have no other special moments; these are some of the moments which I would never forget. I am still happy and fun-loving.
Nicely written Vishnu. Keep it going !
Nice One...
Rock on lo Farhan Akhtar la unnav in the pic
Good one bro!!!
A very nice post to mark your 25th Birthday Vishnu!
:) loooooooved ur post.......wishing u hav many such memorable moments (except one :P)....god bless
Thank you everyone for your comments.
I take back my word on the people here at KU. They might not be as enthusiastic as the Monarchs but yeah, as someone said, I have lived with too many good people that a jot of unusual people drives me crazy.
A friend of mine who was into a similar situation advised me that I better get used to it and it worked and I kinda like it here.
kudos bro...good one.. :)
Well hope u just happened to confine urself in KU .. :D :D its all good.. :)
man .. I started hating Lawrence all the more ... life's full of politics ... full of selfishness .. full of egos ... tons of negativity .. I am afraid I might turn into a complete different person by the time I leave for India.
superb anna.I always knw ur differnt from othrs n all ur post show that..hope u have many gr8 moments n wish i shd be part of them ;)
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