Rants, Raves and Ramblings of a Doer

Happppy Days

Monday, October 08, 2007 Posted by Vishnu 5 comments
"I swear in the name of my dear ones that I would speak truth and nothing else but truth" (Statement good only for this post though:P)

This post might be quite contrary to my previous post, but this is how I feel right now. I have never been so elated previously, trust me, I heard people saying that they are on Cloud Nine but I always wondered how it would be if you are on one, this does not mean that I was always struck with problems. But now I can feel that so called "CLOUD 9". I feel that it is a very small word to epitomize myself.

I can sense the self confidence that has been generated within myself. I can feel the immense energy and vigor being developed within myself. I feel much lighter now. I started sharing my interests and feelings with people. Thanks to all those people who helped me reach to this stage. The credit is totally theirs'.

I never thought that life would be so amazing, everything falling in place, step by step advancement in life.... Getting the right partner for the life is the most crucial part and the most essential thing, this is what I feel. And when you are sure that you were gifted what you always dreamed of, imagine where you would be standing. I do not know about the rest of the world but I place myself on top of the world with that very person who made me feel so special.

Projecting a single personality in two completely different, contrasting cast is almost next to impossible. Okay now, now try answering these question by yourself:

1. Did you know that you are not that "inexpressive" as you feel you are?
2. Have you ever felt the "inner-side" of yours?
3. Did you ever experience that there is some person on this earth who takes care of you just as your mother does?

Answer these questions and there you are, yes..... this is what I am exactly going through.

Have always had a thought that I was always happy and now I realize that I am more happier and that too from my inner side... started wearing a smile that comes right across 'MY'self..

I am not sure of why I am posting all this but wanted to pen down about how I feel when I am really happy... the thirst is not yet quenched... wanted to express some more.. but I will keep writing and writing and writing and am sure that I'll never stop..... :)

I am no good person

Tuesday, July 10, 2007 Posted by Vishnu , 3 comments
22 and odd years on this earth, I think that should be ample enough to appraise myself. I have come accross different people, different minds, different mentalities, different thoughts; extrimities of their own kind, and those include me too. I know I can easily put myself into other's shoes, I also know I can alleviate the worst of the situations that my friends come across, and i also know that I spread smiles around when I talk to my affiliates.
The only thing I don't know is why do I get complaints that I don't reveal myself.

I know that I do not reveal myself but what do I do.... I am helpless, I don't do that deliberately. I have never come accross any scintillating things in my life that needs expression. The few wonderful memories that I had, have always been expressed to everyone that I knew. But I don't spare my people if they try to act in they same way that I do. :P


I've never been a good son
I've never been a good brother
I've never been a good friend
I've never been a good student
Neither been a good leader.

What I always try to be is a good ME.