The title doesn't mean that I'm against him, I just don't support him nor do I encourage others doing it. If his methodologies not matching my Marxist ideologies is one reason, A person of no note carrying a baton that he/she supports Anna Hazare is another reason. You get so vehement just because a person stood up for a cause? What about the number of people that stand up for you? What about the Border Security Force that protect your asses day in and day out, why didn't you feel the necessity to show your concern to them? What about the several social activists who have been pursuing attention for a social cause, why didn't you ever care to reach out to them?
Don't tell me corruption is the only evil bride that is haunting us! I didn't join this movement because I didn't want to be a MEDIA WHORE just like the others. Media might well be serving as the binocular eyes for my perceptual vision but I have got a brain of my own. I'm sad for everyone who has lost it. One suggestion that I can willingly offer is "Open your eyes without closing your mind". You need someone famous to come up and awaken you that something is wrong in this country? Or is it that you were living in the world of self-denial all these times? You would read thoroughly about a guy who is portrayed as a hero by the newspapers and the Media channels but would never care about a person whose fight for a cause is manifested as just a situation.
What about all the Greenpeace India activists who have been protesting against environmental issues. Their fight, off course, is for your benefit too. Did you ever submit a petition on their behalf? Did you ever donate anything towards their activities? They do not have a Anna or a Bedi but they surely have an equally mightier heart and they fight for an equivalent social cause. What about Janaagraha? Their protest was even more persistent than Anna's movement, why didn't you find a need to charter their protest as well? I'll tell you why, because neither did the issues have a political backing nor did any Newspaper / TV media find it scintillating.
Till date, they have been functional because of the realistic and practical ideologies behind their protest and the support of a few socially responsible people (who didn't need someone else shake you up and unite to fight against corruption) who found these organizations worthwhile. I feel sorry for them as there was no one who stood up for them while they were arrested.
I have nothing against Anna Hazare but why are we showing a tendency to rally behind a person and not a cause? If you are falling prey to this new concept of patriotism, fueled by media, by fancing those "I'm Anna, are you?" events and "I support Anna Hazare" badges on facebook or fasting at home in support of Anna's protest; I call you "Half_brain-Dead". Half because you are still fighting for a cause here.
If this is a concern that bothered me all the time, legitimacy of the Jan Lok Pal is another issue which I wouldn't want to write about as I'm afraid it might spam my Blog :P.
Jai Hind.
Don't tell me corruption is the only evil bride that is haunting us! I didn't join this movement because I didn't want to be a MEDIA WHORE just like the others. Media might well be serving as the binocular eyes for my perceptual vision but I have got a brain of my own. I'm sad for everyone who has lost it. One suggestion that I can willingly offer is "Open your eyes without closing your mind". You need someone famous to come up and awaken you that something is wrong in this country? Or is it that you were living in the world of self-denial all these times? You would read thoroughly about a guy who is portrayed as a hero by the newspapers and the Media channels but would never care about a person whose fight for a cause is manifested as just a situation.

Till date, they have been functional because of the realistic and practical ideologies behind their protest and the support of a few socially responsible people (who didn't need someone else shake you up and unite to fight against corruption) who found these organizations worthwhile. I feel sorry for them as there was no one who stood up for them while they were arrested.
I have nothing against Anna Hazare but why are we showing a tendency to rally behind a person and not a cause? If you are falling prey to this new concept of patriotism, fueled by media, by fancing those "I'm Anna, are you?" events and "I support Anna Hazare" badges on facebook or fasting at home in support of Anna's protest; I call you "Half_brain-Dead". Half because you are still fighting for a cause here.
If this is a concern that bothered me all the time, legitimacy of the Jan Lok Pal is another issue which I wouldn't want to write about as I'm afraid it might spam my Blog :P.
Jai Hind.
I understand your point. But I am unable to agree with you.
Great article. Content,analysis of media behind the craze and mainly expression of your thoughts with braveness moved me most. I hope at least few more people start "USING THEIR BRAINS" instead of being media frenzy.
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