Rants, Raves and Ramblings of a Doer

Relationships vs Expectaions

Monday, November 29, 2010 Posted by Vishnu 3 comments
Motivated by the writings of one of my friends on her wall.
root cause of all frustrations in life is expecting something from another person....let it be happiness, honesty, fidelity, etc......
I've always believed in this but never tried to rub my thoughts on anyone. I was just thinking how a person models himself / herself per the society. You expect your friend to call you back after you call him once, you expect your friend to understand you when you are in distress, you expect someone else to clean up your mess and you expect someone to come change the political system.

When one's expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have - Stephen Hawking!

With expectations come dejections, followed by suppressed emotions and then ultimately leading to frustrations. Finally, it boils down to blame game on who didn't live upto whose expectations. It starts at a petty issue, grows to an argument and ends at hostility. Some people would be able to comprehend on what leads to the all the mess while some feel good crying out to the assumed guilts.

A teacher has expectations on a student, Parents have expectations from their children, Girls expect a lot from their boy friends / husbands and a citizen has expectations on the leaders and everyone of us expects a lot to happen out of destiny. All these times, I had this simple question on my mind. Why raise expectations and feel dejected while you can shrug all this and make the other person feel the same. :)

Another side of this coin would be to forgo the disappointments while still building up expectation on people or situations. This is what I do, A piece of free advice.