Rants, Raves and Ramblings of a Doer

Take that Ms. Banerjee

Saturday, June 11, 2011 Posted by Vishnu , , 6 comments
This post is in response to Ms. Madhuri Banerjee's 5 Guys every woman should have. I was utter shocked to see a renowned and responsible journalist misconstruing a noble act of five brothers and an eternal sacrifice made by one of the noted chaste woman in Hindu mythology. Your post might have talked about the 5 guys a woman must have but mis-portraying Draupadi to be lucky and walking with a different person after every sunset makes me question your credibility. You probably have to revise your knowledge on this subject before you even think about it.

1st thing - She was shared among the five husbands because of the vow that Kunti had imposed on the five brothers. Kunti (woman) imposed it and the Pandavas (Men) abode by that, respecting their mother.  But, one has to never forget that the same scriptures mentioned Draupadi bearing just one son (Abhimanyu) with Arjuna who won her in the swayamvara. Do you know what must have gone through the mind of a woman when she is asked to share 5 husbands and the men simply fall for that vow imposed on them by another woman? You wanted to support your non-sensical post about a woman having 5 men in her life before she gets settled with one, quoting the example of Draupadi? - Can anyone get more foolish than that?

As far as your post is concerned, there are men who fit in all the 5 categories you mentioned, PERFECTLY! Stop fooling yourself and come out of the virtual world called self-denial. The man who can treat you like a woman is standing right next to you, kissing you good night every single night and tugging you safe into the blanket every day. This coin called Relationship has another facet as well, if you ever wanted to flip it. You named just 5 types of guys a woman should be with, I can start counting on the different types of woman a man must be with before he settles with one and the counter never stops.

Did you ever read this phrase:

Karyeshu Dasi, Karaneshu Manthri;
Bhojeshu Mata, Shayaneshu Rambha;
Roopeshu lakshmi, Kshamayeshu Dharitri;
Satkarma Nari, Kuladharma Pathni

It is a verse from Neethisaram, in praise of women! It clearly classifies every aspect of how a woman should be and people like you wouldn't understand because you think you are much ahead of the philosophy and ethics in life. Do you think, making Chick Flicks or authoring posts like these make you sound Uber cool? You may well be cool but would never master the Art of being a Woman. There is difference in living life and leading life and neither you nor people who admire your post / work would understand that. It is way out of your league!

And yes, I forgot to throw some light on the contrasting side, the >5 types of women that men should have 

1. A girl who doesn't have a lot of expectations from him. 
2. A woman who doesn't nag about everything all the time
3. A woman who can let him be at peace
4. A woman with lesser mood swings
5. A woman who can cook well and feed him, sometimes if not daily
6. A woman who can let him be himself
7. A woman who allows him to talk without thinking twice
8. A woman who is unselfish and not over protective
9. A woman who doesn't pester him to talk out everything
10. A women who can understand that Men don't enjoy Window shopping

I can keep writing all day, but I feel that it is a mere waste spending more time to revert back to you. I have other useful things to do in life. I am glad I don't have as many complaints about women in my life as you do (about men in your life)! 



MADHURI said...

I wish I had a dislike option to both the source post and your response....sad to see sensible ppl like u get to respond tht way to an already nasty post!...am glad I neither was able to associate with her post nor to urs! and
PS: I wish a guy stops searching for their mum in his girl.

Madhuri Banerjee said...

Dear Sweetie,
I understand your irritation. I commend you on knowing so much about the Mahabharat.

I have one thing to say to you, take life with a pinch of salt!

Have you ever laughed? Have you? Thrown your head back and laughed with all your heart?

That's what some articles are meant to do. Make you smile, laugh and look at life a little more pleasantly.

I know that men can't be slotted into 5 categories. Or for that matter Draupadi had it easy.
It is MY way of looking at life with a smile in MY heart that I want to share with everyone. I want to radiate happiness!

What is your purpose?

On another note - Do you know how many copies of Cosmopolitan are sold in the USA alone? 2.5 Billion copies.
Do you know how many people read the Mahabharat - ? I don't!

Let me leave you with one thought : It is easier for you to demolish something than for someone to build it.

Madhuri Banerjee

Vishnu said...

I skimmed through my entire post again and couldn't find anything related to a mother. If at all, there is something that signifies it; so be it.

And Ms. Banerjee:

You termed it right, "Irritation", irritated that sensible journalists like you base your posts on false prodigy and a media website promoting that post as if it were the most noble thought ever.

And don't teach me on how to take it easy! I'll call myself a fool if I start justifying on that aspect. But there is nothing to muse about in your post and if you had read all the comments, you'd know what I'm talking about. You might want to think again if you were "Radiating Happiness"

You want to know my purpose - Not just write books pr make movies, I walk into people's lives. When was the last time you made a positive impact on someone? I don't preach, I act. Maybe there are not 2.5 billion who read the epic, but I don't use false quotations to base my impressions.

Recalling your own thought :- Who is the demolisher here? I work towards a better society, helping people and teaching them the positive ideologies be it from Mahabharata or Cosmopolitan. I don't pollute the minds with my preachings and give it a mask called "Humour".

Warmer regards,

Anonymous said...

I think Vishnu has a pertinent point to make. And Ms. MB, what does- as per your blog makes of a man who happens to be a "best friend"- A LOOSER in my opinion.
You perhaps could have used a better term -"plutonic mate" or something like that and gave a more discreet description than of one "bringing back a girl safely home every night".

Well responded Mr. Vishu

alterego said...

@vishnu : dude, 'mata' means mother fyi..in ur quote
n @madhuri : i dont think its about findin your mother in your girl..its about the girl bein motherLY wen required

finally @everyone : wel, you may not always agree wid everyone, But PLEaSe do smile at obvious humour!!

Anonymous said...

@Vishnu: fyi...
1) Abhimanyu was not the son of Draupadi and Arjuna. He was the son of Arjuna and Subhadra.
2) Draupadi had five sons, one by each of the Pandavas.