Rants, Raves and Ramblings of a Doer

An Unforgettable Short Journey

Sunday, November 13, 2011 Posted by Vishnu , , No comments

6 weeks, for me, is a short time to get acquainted  with someone to actually miss the fun after I leave them. You guys were so awesome, each of you in your own individual way, that you took place in my Blog's Wall of Fame ;). Being in a non-vibrant, activity-less, selfish community for the past 3.5 years, I was very much in need of a positive environment and I could find that solace in you guys. All my initial apprehensions of being in a corporate world and that too among desis was shrugged off when we stared hanging out together.

I wouldn't have asked for better set of people! In you, I found a person who talks just like my brother, a person who looks, talks and dances just like my dad, a person who always reminds me of my girl friend, a "Man of Substance", a loudspeaker who is the heart of the gang, a person who can be as cool as a moose, a person who masters the art of living and the first of my friend's babies that I took in my arms.

If the front row had awesome listeners, the 2nd row had amazing note-takers and the 3rd row had non-stop munchers. Inspite of  a few setbacks, all of us were so tight that none of the 5 new people stood a chance to join us, despite Karen's multiple efforts :D. If someone had to master the art of collaboration during exams or plan events in a short time with the least resources, then they have to learn from us. It was my pleasure to have known each one of you and I'm glad that I've met you guys at a much needed point in my life. Thanks for making this period so memorable.

As the wise always quote, All Good things come to an end and so did ours! Here's to the awesome 6 weeks well spent and all the good times we had together.


Choteshwar ;)