The disputes over this region were never buried and they were stirred once in a decade by some or the other SELFISH politicians. Remember this, no one else raised this issue other than the leaders in the opposition party. Once they are into the ruling side, they forget all the promises and priorities on their agenda. The Seperate Telangana State Movement in 1969 was reasonable as there was agitation behind the movement that the people of Telangana were deprived of their rights and that they were exploited of their resources. Despite electoral successes, some of the new party leaders who then supported the Separate state for Telangana, gave up their agitation in September 1971 and, much to the disgust of many separatists, rejoined the safer political haven of the Congress ranks. You can find the SELFISHNESS of the politicians here again.

The student bodies at Osmania University, Hyderabad went on a strike and called for a bandh which I bet , would have been causing immense trouble for all the employees, students, tourists and many others including the 'Telanganites'. It is a well known fact that the strike and bandh were stirred by the political bodies, the student leaders are well gripped by these youth associations who would have been promised a party ticket and a MLA seat post their electoral win. Now, it is these SELFISH student leaders and youth associations which are benefited from all these riots and processions. I wonder how people get engrossed in all these stuff which hinder the economical, industrial and financial progress and stumble the state of balance in a state.
You might want to quiz yourself with the following questions if you feel that there is a need for a separate state for Telangana:
- Were you ever deprived of quality education because of migrants from other parts of the state?
- Have you ever been a victim of racism shown by other people?
- Did you ever lose a job because another person from a different region was preferred on regional basis?
- Who cultivates the cereals and pulses that you eat daily?
- Where does all the steel come from?
- If there is justice in your demand for a separate Telangana, then there is justice in Kashmir being claimed by Pakistani's as well. Do you welcome this?
- Do you have able leaders who can govern the state without SELFISHNESS?
I was surprised to see that there was a procession here in the US as well, in support to the 'Jai Telangana' movement . You feel that there is a need for a separate Telangana state, good! And I believe the basic reason you want that is because you feel that 'Telanganites' are treated as under-privileged and their resources are being exploited, Right!? Remember that you are an Indian Immigrant in US and how do you feel if they do not provide the opportunities that you are enjoying currently?
Finally, for all the hardcore fans and supporters of Mr. KCR, here is a small snippet.
While widening my view over this issue, I found a few links which I thought, you'd be interested in looking at:
Well Said Vishnu...
I dont give a rat's ass about KCR's health...HE is a disgrace to human race...and I consider his fans a disgrace too...A good step would be a bunch of educated people in India interested in politics take this opportunity and do another fast against Telangana State. States are not formed upon the f***ing wishes of any politician.
Very Good Article Vishnu......I always have some feelings when I go to Telangana region..But that is because of this politics..but not because of people of andhra...But a Lot needs to be done in a telangana region where they don't even get basic needs...But to bring this region up not only this region even all villages in AP,A Disciplined and good Government need to come which never does....And we people who have all things don't do any thing accept looking to our own life...which is very sad on our part atleast on my part....
Do take some time and look at this video.
Oh BTW.. that video was shot 3 years ago. And, mind you, the situation has worsen since then.
Hello Vishnu ,
about the quiz yourself section ...
Being riased and brought up in Hyderabad , you might not be aware of what is the situation in villages in telangana now ...
And being a Btech student and Software Engineer , you dont know about the job opputunities being deprived from telangana people since most of the engineers only join private companies ... see some govt job stats . you will know the difference ...
Its very good attempt to write a article . but with out knowing ground realities in the backward districts of telangana , please dont come to any conclusions .
you might argue that even after seperate telangana comes , there is no guarantee development will happen . thats true ... but what ever statements you said about Telangana people not being deprived , its wrong ..
just to through the stats of all years budget allocations till now , the water sharing stats , the natural resources stats . you will know the difference .
you might argue good budget allocation and development should be answer instead of seperate state . but that promoise was made every year and every year telangana was being deprived .
why none of the districts of telangana have agriculture even though it was world famous nagarjuna sagar dam in it .
Hope this following link will answer some of your questions
dont take it personal . they are just my views .
@vishnu ... good one man.. I completely agree with u abt the selfish politicians...we just r thinking abt situation of hyderabad... like anonymous said its true to some extent.
@anonymous... do u think dividing the state and driving off andhra ppl will do any good between the relations among the two..[Context : jaago telengana bagoo andhra slogans and by the talks of KCR]. I would rather suggest to fight for the projects rather than just fighting for the seperate state. let them do nirahara dikhsha for allocation of projects.. thats a good thing.. who said no to it.. force the govt to allocate. i think all the ppl would support that.... These politians r just looking for personal gain ...they can work for the ppl without a seperate state..I personally feel being united can do wonders to the state. It all depends on the capability of the politicians..they need to thrive for the betterment of ppl of all walks of life :)
Thank you Vinay, Mohan and Keral. Your comments keep the blogger in me stay alive.
@ Anonymous 1: The video was obviously made up by someone who desperately wanted the state to be supported.
@Anonymous 2: I respect people like you who believe in facts and figures. I don't take anything personal, this space is apt for me to know how people think.
I don't write anything before reading the facts behind the issue. If you could go through the Gentleman's Agreement, they already framed the rules so that no one faces injustice. The leaders we choose have never put any efforts to bring that into enforcement. People exercise their vote without any thought and then demand separation of states, how sensible do you think this is.
If you can look into a few raw facts, Telangana does not have the fertile soils as Coastal region has and hence it diverts its water resources towards other districts. The soils support just 5 crops which does not include the staple cereals and pulses. I may be wrong on Telangana people being deprived of resources because a second thought on my article focuses mainly on Hyderabad and surrounding areas.
If the government that you elected is not allocating the budget properly, act upon that in specific. Lets get it done without the separation of State. Creating a new state is not the solution, what if KCR comes up with an Agenda that Telangana has to be separated into two again? He might not feel justified as only Hyderabad is being industrially developed, so split Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Will you second that?
Over all the students are blindfolded and are just swaying their tails in the callous paths of the Telangana activists. Its high time they open their eyes.
HI Vishnu,
I like your blog. Before that
let me introduce myself.
I am srinivas and Vardhan is a good friend of mine. I would like add my views to our insight into the telangana Issue. I know that there are no good politicians in Telangana currently who can do justice to the power, But when you have telangana as a separate state, New people who want to change or develop the under developed regions will definately get a good chance. Why should andhra people has to worry about leaving hyderabad. people are going to chennai, mumbai etc in search of jobs, there is nothing wrong or nobody stopping them. Even telangana becomes a separate state , It will be same.... Most of the people confuse between TRS party views and Telangana Movement. Telangana struggle was always there. It just that now KCR is using for his survival. I don't say that entire andhra region is ultra developed and telangana is no where near that. But can organisation, any stream , any field and just comparethem you can a drastic infact dangerous differences.
Again its a nice to get in touch with you via blog
Hi Srinivas,
Good to see your comments.
Did you know?
1. 85% of the educational institutions in A.P are owned and run by Non-Telanganites
2. Movie theaters and huge malls have been developed and run by Non-Telanganites
3. Major crops that constitute the lead exports in A.P are grown in Coastal Andhra
4. If T-state is declared, people outside Telangana will be considered as non-locals and thousands of people will go jobless.
In this modern world, one has to realize that we always live on the basis of "Survival of the Fittest". I agree that there are many new politicians who would like see changes in their state. But do not underestimate the power of money and position. The same leaders who are thriving for just a separate state would later protest against the existence of a non-local in their neighborhood.
What you said is right, one should draw a distinct line between T-state and TRS's interests. But once the state is formed, neither you nor me would run the government but these hypocritical politicians. Definitely, a coalition will be formed and the state would be further divided into Muslim and Non - Muslim regions.
I pray to God, this should not happen.
1. 85% of the educational institutions in A.P are owned and run by Non-Telanganites.
I know this but what difference is it making to uplift the telangana people. out of them what percent are doing it at a cost which can be offorded by middle class or lower class. for example people who can afford 1 lakh rs for 2 yrs of intermediate can study in hyderabad Sri chaitanya or vijayawada sri chaitanya...
3. Major crops that constitute the lead exports in A.P are grown in Coastal Andhra.
I know. what do you think the reason for that. Do you the water resource usage difference between the two regions.
4. If T-state is declared, people outside Telangana will be considered as non-locals and thousands of people will go jobless.
Yeah thats the problem here. non - telangana people will loose the telangana jobs to whom ?... they should go to telangana people because originally they are supposed to get those jobs. When Private sector doesn't count this local/non-local stuff. then why should andhra people worry abt it.
I also went through the statistics of education, industries, agriculture which I guess you can easily find over the internet.
Even I strongly condemn the way the politicians of all parties trying to use this agitation for their own benefits.
Coming form rural area I have seen how the telangana people are thinking currently.
Let me remind many people that telangana is not just Hyderabad. its only a part of it.
If there is no obsolute necessity of a separate state why a single person forget the leaders supporting United Andhra Pradesh ever tried or trying to go into the telangana people to help them understand the exact the situation.
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