If you think that I'm not sparing time towards you as I did before just because another person has entered my life, then you can surely call me a Family Man! I'll feel honored. If I had the same intentions to avoid/neglect you I'd have done it the very next day I entered into relationship with her. For that matter, I'd have done that even during the 4 years of engineering life when so much of stuff was going on. Remember! I never stopped talking to any of my friends or visiting them.
Had I been a Family Man, I'd have stopped talking to everyone including Sai, Keral, Venu and everyone else. I'd rather lead a secluded life with my girl friend instead of planning trips with all you guys. Yes, I had cut down the time drastically that I used to spend on phone calls but is it being a Family Man, the only reason for that? Don't you think your actions were a major reason for that? So what do you expect from me? Keep pampering you for all the shit that you have been doing for the past couple of years even after the numerous suggestions that I gave you. I believe, no one would have given you so many suggestions as I did, I can bet on that, neither Manoj, Prathima, Ajay nor Madhuri. You lost the right to scorn me of my behavior towards you.

Dude, even now I am ble to squeeze in time for everything, including phone calls but the only thing is I need some personal space too. All I wanted from you was to support me by understanding my concerns and it always ended up the other way round, me supporting you.
Had you ever tried, handling so many responsibilities at a single time? Did you ever have any kind of problems in your family while you were here in U.S? Did you clear off your loans, first of all do you have any? Did you ever spend time towards games /sports?
If you answered 'Yes' to all of them and still you are able to manage time as I'm doing, then I'm definitely the 'Jhoru-ka-Ghulam' as many say. But I can proudly say that she does not allow me to be one nor do I choose to be. Grow up! Start accepting few things. Did I ever behave with Venu like this, but we both have a healthy friendship going on. Stop cribbing about things like a typical girly GIRL!
:)...well what can i say ...I LOOOOVE YOU.....all the more for the fact that you have always stuck to BEING YOURSELF....Whatever it takes!!!.....for those who do not agree-don't care (about 'em) and am sure those who care wouldn't need a second thought!
Well there is just one suggestion for everyone... ppl like u for wat u r... they lov u just becoz who u r to them.. they will understand u no matter wat...so just be the same dude.[:)]
Vishnu..a very direct way to express what situations your are in!
I am kind of family-man in your terms and my better half is not.
But God..it can be a problem at some point in a relationship (mindit!)
when priorities are challenged.
(refer my latest blog :) but unfortunately, I am not too expressive as you are..so always go the philosophical way!)
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