Rants, Raves and Ramblings of a Doer

Your's truly, Ep-2

Sunday, December 07, 2014 Posted by Vishnu , , , , , No comments

It's me again. You know me; We have someone / something in common - your parents? your cousins? your friends? I don't know. I know I own you, I feel superior, I feel itchy and the line that you think I jump is a little dot to me. Simply put, my life is a narrative of any of the negative characters from any daily serial . I am a well trained assassin of your Peace of mind. I specialize in Envy, majored in Gripe and hold a doctorate in Collation.

I'm never alone, because I recruit people constantly. My tongue was cursed / gifted, so I can blurt out any non-sense and I know you'll keep shut because of your societal limitations. You always wish you're not seen with your girl friend, not by your immediate family; but me. You secretly wished that my neighbor's maternal aunt's distant cousin's girl friend was dead because she was your yard stick. I butt into almost every decision you or your parents make:

  • Which major to choose
  • Which school to attend
  • What clothes to wear
  • How to walk
  • What to eat
  • If you should wear those jeans above the waistline
  • Who to date, who to marry - Why and Why not
  •  Your sexual orientation, yes I decide!

The best part of my life is you are bound to this, you can't escape.
You can't ignore me - I Bitch
You can't fight me - I manipulate
You can't accept me - You have self-esteem, I don't
You can't share with me - I Stereotype, Opinionate & Judge!
You can't conceal anything from me either - My C(Curiosity) chromosome is deep

I don't know squat about Indian history but I think your skirt is against the Indian culture. My son does not have a stable job but I'm keen to know how much you earn. I point out at your nuances in your lifestyle with my murky judgemental fingers. I never bothered to aid you when you were in serious distress but I own the right to be miffed for not being invited to your wedding.

I can't understand that if I don't have anything nice to say, I can shut up! I'm very sorry that I'm an intricate part of your life and you can't do much about it.

Your's truly,
Your Nosy Neighbor / Resentful Relative / Judgemental "Friend"

One for the game

Friday, September 05, 2014 Posted by Vishnu , , 1 comment
There were days when I used to kick the ball back and forth against a white concrete wall just by myself, because everyone else was either busy attending classes or yapping with their girl friends in the cafeteria. There were also those days  where I encountered people who preferred watching and talking about the sport than actually play it and I was still there, kicking the ball against the concrete wall. It is one thing to be known for what you are and another thing to be known for what you do. I'm glad I've always been known for my love for Football.

I've been nick-named several things, called out different names while on the field but one particular incident today propels me to draft this post. During the weekly pickup game today, one player talks to another.

Player 1:  Hey, What is your name?
Other guy: Alan
Player 1: You play awesome, turns to me and asks "Did you know his name is Alan?"
Me: Off course, we play every week. (He's an awesome attacking mid-fielder)
Alan: Do you know what his name is? (Pointing out to me)
Player 1: No
Alan: I call him Dante, you know Brazilian defender Dante? He is tall, big, fit, fast and an excellent defender and I like him.
Me: ~Iqbal moment~

While on field, I hear different things.
Dude, you are longer than October
Please don't go forward, you're a beast in defense
Where in the hell did you come from? (Most common, when I steal the ball from the attacker)
Do you get tired at all?
But what happened yesterday put me on a cloud.

Football gave me the best friends I ever had, awesome roommates, an ever lasting tan and an irritating Keral. If it was not for the love of it, it'd have been laying aside like one of my many part-time hobbies (Photography, Djembe, Vedic astrology to name a few). As of today, I feel super lucky that I'm able to find time, health and fitness to get out and play and I wish this continues for the rest of my life. Cheers to the sport, all the wonderful memories I have of it so far, the friends I made on fields and the opponents who made me walk tall.

Hon'ble mentions:
  • The Mrs.- For not being a constant attention seeker 
  • The Father - For saying "I'm surprised you chose to play football and not cricket unlike most of the kids from your generation", when I came out of the closet and asked to be joined in the summer camp for Football ;) (Also, my love for the game is genetic. I once overheard my father telling my mom that he was a goalie when he was a kid)
  • The Amigo - For calling me Dante!

Welcome home

Tuesday, January 14, 2014 Posted by Vishnu , 3 comments
A good friend once told me "Your life would change once you bring a dog home". I always thought why she said so and wondered if she was exaggerating. 14 months into our lives, as much as I never imagined, you brought immense amount of happiness into our lives. A lot of reading gave me an impression that having a pet gets one used to having a child. I now understand what they base their explications on.

Out of everyone, there was one person who was the most amazed at my decision of bringing you home - ME. There were two voices inside my head battling with each other and all I hoped was for the decision to be a right one. While the friends and family were pleasantly surprised, I stood by my decision of the new found affection for you.

You mirror my behavior sometimes and you edify some ways of life through your muted actions. You stand as a perfect example for Love that is unconditional  and have taught me how pure can it be. While we all grow up to be more materialistic and narrow-minded you just grow up to be more lovable not just by us but by everyone who knows you. You have taught us how not to pay heed to someone who doesn't bother to bond, explaining the importance of self-respect. And when it comes to loving someone back,you set the bar really high. You've met the best of cynophobics, some who ended up befriending you and you ignored the rest.

Your mischievous attitude, unending energy levels, voracious appetite give me a feeling that there is someone else in the home who is just like me. As much trouble you have given us in raising you, you have given us more pleasure every evening at home. The chases, the wrestling, the mischief, the fetches, the play-dates; everything has been an experience in itself.

For whatever it is, there is not one day I have regretted my decision. Thanks for being an awesome company, a noble being, a classified example and an inspiration for me to blog again. For people who think I'm making a big deal of having a pet, Yes, I am! I'd reiterate the same ~ "Bring a dog home, it'll change your life forever"