This is about you guys, oh sorry! This is about us (a fairly large percentage of us), who leave their motherland with uncertain aspirations and much certain fascinations. We don't know how good / bad it would turn out to be but we definitely anticipate a change and here we are, with a much changed perspective. I am no judge to decide if that is boon or bane but I definitely say that it is a pure case of glibness.
- We always support Anna Hazare and several other against corruption but we forget the fact that we paid a bribe to get our passport verified with the police department.
- We earn in Dollars, Yen and Pounds and never deem about charity in Rupees.
- We happily question the integrity of the political leaders while we never step forward to lead a community / student organization in the first place.
- We accuse the system even before we are in it.
- We envision a brighter India and boast about it to everyone around but seldom think of supporting an organization that does it.
- We outdo others (you know who!) in Racism. Moreover, we are sexists, ageists and prejudiced based on everything possible.
- We don't know how does it feel to Volunteer because we never do it. We are the most selfish people.
- The only place we raise our voice is on Networking Sites.
- We are the biggest promoters of piracy.
- We make the best use of Google search and never say thanks. We watch videos on youtube but never hit 'Like'. You read my whole article but never comment on it :P
- We talk, accuse, judge and never act!
- We want everything "Spicy"
- Gatorade is our new substitute for Water
- Finally, We always dream about returning home and never actually do it. Hence the name, Never Returning Indians!
Keep it up!