Rants, Raves and Ramblings of a Doer

I am no good person

Tuesday, July 10, 2007 Posted by Vishnu , 3 comments
22 and odd years on this earth, I think that should be ample enough to appraise myself. I have come accross different people, different minds, different mentalities, different thoughts; extrimities of their own kind, and those include me too. I know I can easily put myself into other's shoes, I also know I can alleviate the worst of the situations that my friends come across, and i also know that I spread smiles around when I talk to my affiliates.
The only thing I don't know is why do I get complaints that I don't reveal myself.

I know that I do not reveal myself but what do I do.... I am helpless, I don't do that deliberately. I have never come accross any scintillating things in my life that needs expression. The few wonderful memories that I had, have always been expressed to everyone that I knew. But I don't spare my people if they try to act in they same way that I do. :P


I've never been a good son
I've never been a good brother
I've never been a good friend
I've never been a good student
Neither been a good leader.

What I always try to be is a good ME.